Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Arisan Brondong (2010)


Rich socialite women Lolita (Bella Saphira), Jeung Uut and Anis (Anita Hara) are jealous of Misye (Andi Soraya) who has a younger boyfriend and decide to compete with her. Lolita manages to make Rian (Ferly Putra) as his younger boyfriend as part of covering up his mistake of setting up the fire in Lolita's boutique. Joining Lolita is Heidi (Heather Storm), an American woman and Nana (Erika Kirihara), a Japanese who has connections with the yakuza.

Country: Indonesia
Language: Indonesian

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Emak Ingin Naik Haji (2010)


Emak, wanita usia lanjut yang sabar, tulus, dan penuh kebaikan hati, seperti umat Islam lainnya, sangat ingin menunaikan ibadah haji. Sayangnya, Emak tidak memiliki biaya untuk mewujudkan keinginannya. Emak sehari-hari berjualan kue dan juga dari Zein, anaknya yang duda, penjual lukisan keliling. Walaupun Emak tahu bahwa pergi haji adalah hal yang sulit diraih, Emak tidak putus asa, dia tetap mengumpulkan rupiah demi rupiah untuk disetorkan ke tabungan haji di bank. Zein, yang melihat kegigihan Emak, berusaha dengan berbagai cara untuk dapat mewujudkan keinginan Emak. Tapi, keterbatasannya sebagai penjual lukisan keliling, serta masalah-masalah yang diwarisinya dari perkawinannya yang gagal, menyebabkan Zein hampir-hampir putus asa dan nekat. Sementara, tetangga Emak yang kaya raya sudah beberapa kali menunaikan haji, apalagi pergi umroh. Di tempat lain ada orang berniat menunaikan haji hanya untuk kepentingan politik. Apakah ada jalan bagi Emak agar keinginannya terwujud? Apakah yang dilakukan Zein? Diwarnai berbagai drama yang saling jalin-berkelindan, film ini berkisah tentang ketulusan hati dan kerinduan kepada Tuhan, serta kecintaan luar biasa seorang anak kepada ibunya

Country: Indonesia
Language: Indonesian

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Sehidup (tak) Semati 2010


Titan and Helena,they are young couples romantic and love each other. They are a successful young executive,But the bad luck can not be rejected, when will be celebrating the birthday of their first marriage, there was an accident that happened to Helena and Helena died.Not missing the sadness left behind his wife, Titan is often experienced ghost sightings. Apparently this was not a hallucination, because Helena’s ghost still haunts and only reveals herself to her husband.People think that Titan was depressed because his wife is dead. He is considered unstable because of frequent communication with his wife’s.Titan was advised to immediately go to the psychiatrist and paranormal.

Country: Indonesia
Language: Indonesian

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Password : idws

Red CobeX (2010)


Red Cobex is a film Comedy which revolves around a gang of thugs who want to eradicate the evil, injustice, harm, and disobedience. But in a way not justified, namely thuggery.Gang-member Red CobeX mothers from different regions, a set of mothers who defend the weak and very anti-vices. They do not hesitate to hurt those who take advantage of the dirty business.Red CobeX gang often act like thugs to arrest and vigilante.One day Red CobeX Gang arrested and imprisoned because it is considered disturbing the public.Until the end, they all are aware of their mistakes.

Country: Indonesia
Language: Indonesian

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Password: idws

Pocong Keliling (2010)


A complex in the middle of the village suffered a panic when it appeared that there Pocong issues that arise every night, knock on every door from house to house.This raises the issue on various sides. Pak Jamal (Indra Birowo) and his wife, Astrid (Beautiful Kalalo) angry because the houses do not sell them in the complex sale.While Mr Jamal appointment with Barbara so chaotic. There is also Rommy and wife fail to enjoy the first night.In addition, some people also try to take advantage of the situation.Monique, television reporter, and cameraman, Akbar, struggled covering the story and geta picture pocong live, because its the only way that they were not fired. Then came the couple silly thief, Bombay and Asbun, they tried variety of ways to take advantage of situations.

Country: Indonesia
Language: Indonesian

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Istri Bo’ongan (2010)


Istri Bo’ongan is an Indonesian drama adult movie about a young man lies to his parents for love, starring Julia perez, pretty and sexy artist. After two years Arya never returned to his parents’ home in Magelang. Arya decided to go home at the time of his parents wedding anniversary with the candidate’s wife. Arya was confused because his girlfriend, Amara is a successful career woman. And his parents did not like. Arya and Amara looking for ways to make their relationships sanctioned and approved by the parents of Arya.

Country: Indonesia
Language: Indonesian

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Rayuan Arwah Penasaran (2010)


Tragedi Tak Terlupakan. Rayuan Arwah Penasaran 2010 DVDRip
Saat malam menggantikan siang, Dengarlah rayuannya Rayuan seram perawan jepang Mengerang marah mencari nyawa.

Country: Indonesia
Language: Indonesian

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Taring (2010)


FARAH (Fahrani), seorang model, menerima job model lingerie dari sebuah perusahaan terkenal, HEAVEN’S SECRET, dengan tema WILD FANTASY. Farah bersama dua model lainnya – WIWID (Shinta Bachir) dan GABRIELLA (Rebecca Reidjman)- akan ke sebuah daerah terpencil dengan alamnya yang masih liar dan indah untuk pengambilan foto. Bersama mereka, ada DAMIAN (Dallas), fotografer, ALEX – perwakilan perusahaan Heaven’s Secret yang arrogant, serta INGGRID – asisten Damian

Country: Indonesia
Language: Indonesian

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Semerah Cinta Stilleto (2010)


Pretty university student Siti Laila a.k.a Stila (Lisa Surihani) comes from a good family background and is well to do while Leto (Farid Kamil) is an average Joe who works as a fishmonger in the wet market opposite Stila's posh residence. They meet one day when Stila follows her mother, Datin Fairuz, to buy fish for dinner with Stila's boyfriend, Raymond.

Semerah Cinta Stilleto mengisahkan kehidupan bahagia Siti Laila atau Stila (Lisa Surihani). Stila dilahirkan dan dibesarkan dalam kemewahan dan segala yang dihajati akan ditunaikan oleh kedua-dua ibu bapanya. Dia juga seorang remaja perempuan yang cantik, masih menuntut di sebuah institusi pengajian tinggi terkemuka di ibu kota.Leto (Farid Kamil) pula seorang pemuda yang hidup dalam keadaan serba sederhana. Bekerja sebagai penjual ikan di pasar borong dan tinggal di flat murah berhadapan kawasan banglo mewah keluarga Stila. Pertemuan Stila dan Leto bermula apabila ibu Stila iaitu Datin Fairuz ke pasar membeli ikan untuk dimasak bagi menyambut kedatangan teman lelaki Stila iaitu Raymond ke rumah.

Country: Malaysia
Language: Malay

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Tom and Jerry - 1955 - Pecos Pest


Jerry receives a telegram from his Uncle Pecos, soon Uncle Pecos arrives. The mustached mouse gives Jerry a performance on his guitar, playing his new song, "Crambone", but his guitar string breaks.

Country: USA
Language: English

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Tom and Jerry - 1967 - O-Solar Meow


A (comparatively) small white ball labeled Supply Satellite No.1 is hit with a very strong spring and shot into space. It falls into a grove running along the outer edge of Space Station No.1 and moves around like a ball in a roulette wheel, after which the station appears to be designed, until it comes to rest on number 36. Immediately, "baggage" is deposited out of a machine and one of the packages is a large hunk of cheese, which attracts Jerry. He gets in his Space Age vehicle and goes after what he saw on his monitor, but soon breaks a beam without even noticing. This beam sets off a rocket, which then sets off a Rube Goldberg contraption in order to alert the resident cat on duty - Tom. Tom is thrown into his work chair in front of his surveillance monitor and woken up with a stream of water. Tom wakes up, and seeing Jerry in his cheese-vehicle, signals his robot cat to go after it.

Country: USA
Language: English

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Tom and Jerry - 2005 - Northern Light Fish Fight


In the Arctic wastes, Tom is a fisherman with nothing to show for it but a buch of holes in the ice and a very cold worm. When Jerry has beginner's luck and catches a fat fish, Tom tries to steal it. After an extended battle, complete with orchestral accompaniment (Note that the lights are written as auroras), Jerry agrees to share his fish with the starving cat—but a polar bear gets to it first. Disgusted, the boys eat their forks.

Country: USA
Language: English

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Tom and Jerry - 1951 - Nit-Witty Kitty


Tom is chasing Jerry around Mammy Two Shoes, while she is screaming out contradictory and confusing instructions on where to chase Jerry. She has a broom ready to hit Jerry but instead she clumsily hits Tom. This hit to the head causes Tom to forget who he is and he believes he is a mouse. Mammy asks Tom if he is okay but he starts to squeak she becomes scared and jumps onto a kitchen chair for protection. Tom terrorises Mammy by shaking the chair causing her to fall off it, then quickly flees from the deranged cat. Tom then heads over to the refrigerator and grabs a piece of cheese, before entering Jerry's mouse hole. Tom then moves into Jerry's small bed causing it to break underneath him. Jerry gets angry and exasperated having to share with an oversized 'mouse'. Jerry then overhears Mammy on the phone talking to the doctor about Tom. He hears that Tom is suffering from amnesia. Seeing Tom approaching her with mischief on his mind, Mammy cuts her phone conversation short and attempts to evade him by walking away on stilts. Tom pulls the stilts from under her causing Mammy to fall and he runs back into the mouse hole.

Country: USA
Language: English

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Tom and Jerry - 1954 - Neapolitan Mouse


That cartoon takes place in Naples, where Tom and Jerry arrive aboard a cruise ship. Tom and Jerry's usual antics lead to an Italian mouse, Topo, defending Jerry from Tom's attacks. Topo, in Italian, says he dislikes it when a larger creature picks on a smaller creature, which he proves when he saves Tom from being attacked by an Italian dog. When Topo sees the familiar faces and realizes exactly who Tom and Jerry are, he, being a fan of their cartoons, befriends them, shows them the sights and treats them to local delicacies. But the Italian dog, along with two of his canine friends, follows behind and they eventually confront Topo. However, with the help of some very large cheeses that send the dogs into the Bay of Naples, Tom, Jerry, and Topo emerge victorious, just before Tom and Jerry's boat departs. Before they leave, Tom shakes Topo's hand, Jerry hugs him, and as they leave on the ship back to the United States, they are bid farewell by Topo and, surprisingly, the three defeated dogs.

Country: USA
Language: English

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Tom and Jerry - 1956 - Muscle Beach Tom


It is a busy day at Muscle Beach; Jerry sunbathes while several cats are working out with weights. Tom and his girlfriend arrive and Tom dumps their beach equipment on top of Jerry. Jerry crawls out from the pile and moves his beach towel further down the beach, but Tom happens to pick where Jerry is lying to plant his beach umbrella. When Jerry digs himself from out of the sand, Tom has started carelessly throwing garbage his way. Jerry angrily marches up to Tom and slaps him with a banana peel and is rewarded with being filled up with helium from a balloon and let go to rocket into the distance.

Country: USA
Language: English

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Tom and Jerry - 1957 - Mucho Mouse


The camera slowly pans to the right and reveals a Spanish house, and goes inside to the sound of a flamenco guitar. As the camera reveals that Lightning is playing the guitar while leaning against a couch, Jerry, or as his mousehole says, "El Magnífico", comes dancing out of his hole and then brings back a small wedge of cheese. Meanwhile, the Spanish owner of the house comes in the room, sees Jerry, and taps her feet impatiently at Lightning. In Spanish, Lightning complements the señorita about her good looks today, until he finally agrees to chase Jerry. He dives at the mouse eating his cheese on the carpet, and Jerry strategically raises the carpet and himself such that the cat goes underneath the carpet and runs into a table. Lightning is unfazed and returns the other way, but the mouse ties his tail to another table and is drawn back into it, and then smashed by the top of the table. Lightning's legs, tail, and head pop out akin to a turtle.

Country: USA
Language: English

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Tom and Jerry - 1964 - Much Ado About Mousing


After showing the title cards, the camera zooms towards Tom fishing on a pier. Tom baits the line with cheese and casts it all the way out to a far-off ship and into Jerry's mousehole. The cat gets a bite and gets pulled off the pier and onto a pillar, while the sleeping mouse nibbles at the cheese as he is reeled in. Tom catches the mouse in a fish net and plops him onto the pier, waking Jerry up with a start. Once Jerry gets a sense of his surroundings, he realizes that Tom is holding his tail and he is about to be squashed by a hammer! The mouse substitutes the cat's hand for himself, and the mouse whistles at the cat from the closest pillar to alert his enemy of his throbbing hand. Tom reacts by yelping and jumping into the stratosphere, kissing his hand all the while. Pleased with himself, Jerry starts to run back to another mousehole while Tom takes a nosedive after his rival. Jerry succeeds in making it to safety while the cat hits his head on the fence just inches above the hole, and falls down in the shape of a tambourine.

Country: USA
Language: English

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Tom and Jerry - 1944 - Mouse Trouble


Tom acquires a book on how to catch mice and for the rest of the cartoon, takes its advice to attempt to catch the mouse. The first thing the book suggests is to locate the mouse. Tom "locates" the mouse, but when Tom tries to grab Jerry, the rodent steps off the book and slams Tom's nose in it. Tom sets out the trap and tests it by snapping it by touching it with a feather. Jerry, however, succeeds in freeing the cheese from it. Shocked at the trap's failure, Tom tests it before the trap snaps as soon as he touches it.

Country: USA
Language: English

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Tom and Jerry - 1945 - Mouse in Manhattan


Jerry has enough of the country life and decides to leave to the city. He writes a goodbye letter saying:

"Dear Tom,

This country life is getting me down... I'm off for Broadway and the Bright Lights. Goodbye forever, Jerry"

Detailing this for a sleeping Tom before leaving to New York City to experience life in the city. In a series of antics in New York City, he gets stuck in gum on the floor of Grand Central, ends up as a makeshift shoe-polisher, admires the towering skyscrapers, gets nauseated in an elevator, sees more sights before falling down the sewer, has a close shave with oncoming traffic, and dangles precariously over the city on an ever-breaking candle. He also dances with several placecards (in the form of attractive women). He ultimately loses his balance and gets stuck in a champagne bottle which pops him all the way to the ground, where he lands in a dark alley in a puddle, sneezes, and is heard and scared off by an alley full of vicious cats. He is then hurtled across the city on trash cans, one of which hits a fire hydrant, sending him flying through a jewellery shop window, after which he is shot at by the police. As Jerry escapes the city (nearly being run over by an uptown express train on one of the IRT lines in the process), he quickly races over the George Washington Bridge, empty freeway, and railroad back to the countryside, where he finds Tom still asleep (unaware that Jerry had been gone). He destroys his unread note and kisses Tom before nailing a placard reading "Home Sweet Home" above his mousehole, entering afterwards.

Country: USA
Language: English

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Tom and Jerry - 1955 - Mouse for Sale


Tom is reading the paper but quickly discards it and pretends to be asleep when he sees his owner Joan walk past him. He then sees an ad in the paper that says: BIG MONEY PAID FOR WHITE MICE. There is a mouse in the house, but it's not white. A little paint will fix that, though. Tom paints a steel nut yellow to look like cheese and feeds it to Jerry, then attracts him with a magnet. He paints Jerry white and sells him to the local pet store, receiving $50. He hides his earnings under the rug. Unfortunately, Joan finds and takes the money and buys (regardless of the fact that the money was most likely not hers to spend) a white mouse, the very same one Tom sold. Jerry dances to music on the radio. Tom hits his head with a coal spade, trying to hit Jerry, but misses. After a few more attempts, he catches the mouse, but Joan is angry and hits him on the head and throws him out of the house.

Country: USA
Language: English

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Tom and Jerry - 1966 - Matinee Mouse


Tom chases Jerry all over the house (scenes from Love That Pup, The Flying Cat, Professor Tom and The Missing Mouse) until Jerry gets back at Tom by beating him up in the closet (a clip from Jerry and the Lion). Both call a truce, and while walking happily down the street, they stop by the local cinema, where they notice a poster advertising their cartoons. The man who was standing by the wall noticed this cat and mouse. He looks up at the poster, then shrugs. They walk in to watch the feature (clips from Love That Pup, Jerry's Diary, The Flying Sorceress and The Truce Hurts), but cannot help laughing at each other every time the other is hurt onscreen. Mild annoyance soon turns to violence in the seats, where Tom and Jerry continually slam the seats on each other. The fight scene in The Truce Hurts stops as the onscreen characters (Tom, Jerry and Spike the bulldog) pause to watch the ongoing fight out in the seats.

Country: USA
Language: English

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Tom and Jerry - 1966 - Love Me, Love My Mouse


Tom falls in love with Toodles Galore and flies to her house, carrying Jerry in a ring box. Tom presents Jerry to his love interest. Jerry then pretends to be frightened of Tom and cuddles up to Toodles, who instantly sympathises with him, now taking sides with Jerry, as it was. Jerry then makes efforts to work his way into Tom's mouth, leading to Toodles to come to Jerry's "rescue". Realizing Jerry is milking the sympathy for all its worth, Tom grabs the conniving rodent and tries to do away with him once and for all, unfortuneatly for Tom, Toodles storms in and rescues Jerry. Tom accidentally then releases the rope of the concrete block that he was using to defeat Jerry, the block soon comes crashing down on Tom. A bandaged Tom hobbles to the dinner table to find his love interest repeatedly kissing Jerry. Toodles soon realises something else when kissing Jerry, aside from being cute, Jerry is also quite tasty. She has a change of heart, and attempts to eat Jerry while Tom cheers his victory.

Country: USA
Language: English

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Tom and Jerry - 1954 - Little School Mouse


The story opens with Jerry's diploma that validates Jerry to teach mice how to outwit cats. Tuffy is a single student at Jerry's school. However, Jerry is late and Tuffy looks at the watch on the wall wondering where he is. He is startled by the sound of Jerry being chased around the room outside the hole by Tom. Finally, Jerry reaches the hole, slamming the door shut behind him. He heaves a sigh of relief and straightens both his framed diploma on the wall and his necktie.

Country: USA
Language: English

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Tom and Jerry - 1950 - Little Quacker


On a farm, a momma duck goes out for a swim, leaving behind an egg in her nest. Tom craftily reaches into the nest and takes the egg for cooking. He rushes back to his kitchen and places a frying pan over the hob. However, when Tom breaks the egg open, instead of getting the albumen and yolk, he gets Quacker, a duckling. Not to be put off, Tom decides he will cook roast duck instead.

Country: USA
Language: English

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Tom and Jerry - 1953 - Life with Tom


A mailman delivers two packages and whistles out loud. Tom approaches to see that nothing is in his mailbox. He spots a package in Jerry's mailbox though, which appears to be a book, and tears it to reveal the title "Life with Tom." He hides in the bush as Jerry walks towards his mailbox and retrieves a letter. Tom then hears a radio program which announces the publication of a new book by Jerry Mouse. Tom opens the book and flips the page to "Dedicated to Tom.... Without whom, I could do very well." Tom moves on to a page detailing the day where he and Jerry went fishing.

Country: USA
Language: English

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Tom and Jerry - 1948 - Kitty Foiled


Tom can now be seen, attempting to smash Jerry with a broom, but instead repeatedly breaking lamps and glasses. Jerry hides in the one unbroken glass and runs away, but Tom picks up the glass and waits for Jerry to realize he is captured. When he does, his heart starts beating and extending out of his chest. Before Tom can club the mouse over the head with the broken end of the broom handle, the canary escapes from his cage by unlatching the base of the cage, which falls onto Tom, flattening his head with a cymbal noise. Tom pursues Jerry, chasing him into his mousehole, into which Tom's face gets caught, elongating his nose. Tom then spots the canary, beating his wings into the air within his cage. The cat leaps for him, but instead gets himself caught inside his cage, which he then seals with the base. He flies onto a table and then runs away as Tom pursues him, but instead Tom pokes himself through the center of the table and swallows the canary. Fortunately for him, the everpresent "cuckoo...cuckoo...cuckoo" gag allows the bird to escape. Tom runs after the bird, and then rises into the air, beating his deltoids in order to stay afloat in the same matter as the canary. Tom grins at the camera until he runs into the wall and three potted plants hit him on the head. The cat recovers and sees the canary pacing away under a fourth pot. He covers the pot and pokes his eye through the hole. As Tom reaches under the pot to grab the bird, Jerry inserts Tom's tail into the windowsill and snaps the cord. Tom untangles himself and storms after the mouse, and the canary dives down and gives him a lift. They enter the hole, and Tom's nose is once again elongated, but this time, he has swallowed the duo. The mouse and canary squeeze out and take sanctuary in the mousehole.

Country: USA
Language: English

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Tom and Jerry - 1949 - Jerry's Diary


Tom places a bunch of traps in front of Jerry's mouse hole. He raises a cleaver over the hole and is stopped by the tubby looking talking radio, telling him it is "Be kind to Animals" week. He removes the traps he just set up and returns with flowers, a present, and a pie with, "To Jerry with Love" on it. Tom knocks on the wall but there is no answer. Tom removes the grate on the wall and sees that Jerry is not at home. But he does see his diary. Tom reaches in, grabs it, and starts to read it.

Country: USA
Language: English

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Tom and Jerry - 1951 - Jerry's Cousin


One day at Hogan's Alley, Jerry's cousin, Muscles, is showing the cats who's boss. After dispatching of his feline nemesis, Muscles retrieves his mail, which includes a letter from Jerry, begging for help in dealing with Tom. An angry Muscles packs a bag and goes to Jerry's home. As he marches through the alleyway, the cats cower in fear; Butch is so scared of Muscles that he digs his own grave and buries himself.

Country: USA
Language: English

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Tom and Jerry - 1966 - Jerry-Go-Round


Tom chases Jerry through the sidewalk as the title cards and credits are shown. Jerry gives Tom the slip and Tom turns around the other way in anger. Jerry stops short when he sees a lion's mouth, but it is only an ad for a local circus. Seeing Tom approach in fury, Jerry sees no alternative but to jump into the lion's mouth. He disappears as Tom pulls up in bewilderment. He pulls some of the advert off and reveals that Jerry was lucky enough to hit a hole in the fence and is disappearing into the distance.

Country: USA
Language: English

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Tom and Jerry - 1957 - Jerry and the Lion


The cartoon opens with Tom relaxing and listening to the radio. Then he hears a crash from the kitchen. Tom sees Jerry stealing food from the refrigerator to his mouse hole by way of an assembly line. Tom tries to stop Jerry and when he does Jerry squeezes a tomato in his face. Jerry then runs toward his mouse hole but Tom stops him by closing a door. But Tom forgets that there is a mouse hole door for Jerry and he runs through it. Tom looks into the mouse hole and Jerry squeezes another tomato in Tom's face.

Country: USA
Language: English

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